Mission and Vision

Mission and Vision of CCE


The Mission of the department is to produce, through the pursuit of education, properly trained up and ethically sound manpower in the field of Computer and Communication Engineering to contribute to the socio-economic development and moral upliftment of the society and to cultivate in our student’s an ability to think independently beyond their areas of study, so that they can sustain justice in all walks of life.

Mission Statements:

  • Properly Trained up Manpower.
  • Contribute to Socio-economic Development.
  • Ethically Sound.
  • Ability to Think Independently.
  • Sustain Justice in all Walks of Life.


To produce globally competitive and socially sensitized Engineering graduates and to establish the department as a center of excellence by bringing out the professional competence in the core areas of Computer and Communication Engineering also becoming one of the best departments in the South East Asia.