Master of Arts in Science of Hadith and Islamic Studies (MSHIS)

Master of Arts in Science of Hadith and Islamic Studies (MSHIS)

Description of the program

This programme provides students with the knowledge of the Hadith. It also provides the competency to explain and interpret the Hadith and its terminologies, and to determine the validity of Hadith. It enables students to apply the Hadith in solving everyday problems.


Towards a high level Islamic academia that results in a comprehensive knowledge of al-Hadith which guides students to strive towards adorning the noble character of the Prophet (PBUH).


  • To prepare students for research in the al-Hadith, its sources and methods, from the perspective of its transmittal and textual understanding.
  • To develop the faculties of conscience and commitment of students through knowledge of the Hadith along with its values and etiquettes. This assists in the emulation of the example of the Prophet (PBUH).
  • To endow students with practical and behavioral skills in communicating with society in order to propagate Islamic ethical values and its manifestation in society.

The Program Educational Objectives (PEO)

PEO-1: Demonstrate in-depth mastery of knowledge in al-Hadith and its sciences, both Hadith Riwayah and Dirayah.
PEO-2: Competence in analyzing and synthesizing principles, thoughts, ideas and different opinions, from classical (turāth) as well as modern sources.
PEO-3: The ability to apply principles, theories and methods of the al-Hadith and its sciences to relevant contemporary issues.
PEO-4: The ability to offer fresh ideas for meeting current needs and providing alternative solutions, based on appropriate and responsible research.
PEO-5: Critical, analytical and problem-solving skills in order to carry out supervisory role in teamwork with awareness of their social and ethical responsibilities.


A student shall have to pay Tk. 28,216/- for completing Master of Arts in Science of Hadith and Islamic Studies (MSHIS) as per the following break up:

SL Description Amount
1 Admission Fees (Once & non-refundable) Tk. 6,000/-
2 Tuition Fees (44 CH) Exempted
3 Semester Fees (Tk. 6,000 × 2) Tk. 12,000/-
4 Establishment Fees (Tk. 2,000 × 2) Tk. 4,000/-
5 Exam Fees (Tk. 50 × 44 CH ) Tk. 2,200/-
6 Library Development Fee Tk. 1,000/-
7 Orientation Fee Tk. 3,000/-
8 Rover Scout Fee Tk. 16/-
Total Fees and Charges Tk. 28,216/-

Semester-wise Payable Fess:

* First Installment (During Admission) = Tk. 18,966/-

* Second Installment (During 2nd Semester Registration) = Tk. 9,250/-


Friday: 9.30 am to 8.00 pm Saturday: 2.00 pm to 4.30 pm

Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)

At the end of programme, students should be able to:
1: Demonstrate in-depth mastery of knowledge in al-Hadith and its sciences, including competence to analyze thoughts and ideas from classical as well as modern sources.
2: Critically analyze differences of opinions among the scholars and synthesize ideas from various sources.
3: Apply principles, theories and methods of al-Hadith and its sciences to relevant contemporary settings for meeting current needs
4: Offer fresh ideas based on appropriate and responsible research, and make use of relevant ideas in modern disciplines for providing alternative solutions
5: Carry out supervisory role in teamwork and show awareness of social and ethical responsibilities.


4-Year Bachelor Degree holder in Hadith/Arabic/Islamic Studies/Fadil (Hons.) can apply for grtting admitted in MSHIS. Candidates have to face an admission test (Viva) for selection. The admission test committee takes into consideration the academic results, Arabic proficiency, individual interest and performance of interview of the candidates. However, the requirements of admission to MSHIS program are as follows:

Under Grading System:

  • Minimum total GPA 7.50 (securing GPA 2.5 in each exam of SSC/Dakhil, HSC/Alim & Hons); OR
  • Minimum Total GPA 8.00 (securing combined GPA 6.00 in SSC/Dakhil, HSC/Alim Exam but not less than GPA 2.00 in each exam of SSC & HSC with minimum GPA 2.00 in Hons.).

Under Traditional Class System:

  • Minimum 5 points having minimum two 2nd division in SSC/Dakhil, HSC/Alim (where first class = 3 points, second class = 2 points and third class = 1 point)..


The Department of Hadith and Islamic Studies offers One Year i.e. Two Semesters M.A. Program in Hadith and Islamic Studies (MSHIS). To become a Post graduate in this field one has to complete 44 credit hours between 2-4 semesters under an Open Credit Hours System.

Achieving minimum GPA in each semester

A student shall have to obtain minimum GPA 2.00 in each semester.

Achieving minimum GPA in for awarding degree

A student shall have to obtain minimum CGPA 2.50 for awarding degree.

Courses of MSHIS program


Semester wise Courses:

Semester Number: 1
SL Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequisite
1 HIM-6105 Inconsistency & Ambiguity in Hadith 3
2 HIM-6106 Critical Studies of Weak Hadiths 3
3 HIM-6107 Viva Voce I 1
4 HIM-6101 Research Methodology 3
5 HIM-6102 Studies on Jarh & Ta’dil 3
6 HIM-6103 Studies on References of Sunnah and its Explanations 3
7 HIM-6104 Sources of Hadith & Studies the Chain of Narrators 3
Semester Number: 2
SL Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequisite
1 HIM-6208 Inimitability in the Qur’an &Sunnah 3
2 HIM-6209 Sunnah Studies & Contemporary Issues 3
3 HIM-6210 Studies in Categories of the Narrators 3
4 HIM-6211 Jurisprudence of Sunnah 3
5 HIM-6212 Objectives of Islamic Shari’ah 3
6 HIM-6213 Subjective Studies in Hadith 3
7 HIM-6999 Research Work (Thesis) 6
8 HIM-6214 Viva Voce II 1


    There is an arrangement of 15-week classes in each semester for MSHIS program. Normally, the duration of theory class is 60 minutes for MSHIS programs. For a 3 credit hour course, there shall be 45 classes in a semester for this program. If any class is missed for unavoidable circumstances, another make-up class must be taken to complete the scheduled class.


    Outcome-based education (OBE) and Bi-Semester system of Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) through self-examination and external review. In this process students are evaluated throughout a course of study rather than exclusively by examination at the end. It is multidimensional based on students assignments, Class Tests, Mid-Term & Final Exam, Thesis/Project/Internship, Presentations, Viva-voce. The Mid-term Examination is held after conducting 6 weeks classes and Final Examination is held at the end of each semester i.e. conducting 9 weeks classes after Mid-term Examination. Each 3 Credit Hours course bears 100 marks.


    The grading system of IIUC for assessing the performance of the students is made following the uniform grading system of UGC which is shown in the table below:

    Marks (%) Letter Grade Grade Point Remarks
    80-100 A + 4.00 Excellent
    75–79 A 3.75 Very Good
    70–74 A- 3.50
    65–69 B+ 3.25 Good
    60–64 B 3.00
    55–59 B- 2.75 Satisfactory
    50–54 C+ 2.50
    45–49 C 2.25 Pass
    40–44 D 2.00
    00–39 F 0.00 Fail


    GPA: Grade Point Average (GPA) is computed by dividing the total grade point earned by the number of credit hours attempted in a particular semester.

    CGPA: Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is computed by dividing the total grade point earned by the total number of credit hours attempted at the diploma courses up to that point of time.


    Evaluation system of MSHIS program:

    SL Events Sub-events % of marks
    1 Internal Evaluation Attendance 10%
    Class Test / Assignment 10%
    1 Written Exam Mid-Term Exam 30%
    Final Exam 50%
    Total 100%

    Marks distribution for projects/thesis is as follows:

    SL Events % of marks
    1 Project/Thesis evaluation by Supervisor 60%
    2 Project/Thesis evaluation by 2nd Reader 20%
    3 Project/thesis presentation and defence 20%
    Total 100%

    Basis for awarding marks of attendance is generally as follows:

    SL Attendance Awarding marks
    1 90% and above 10
    2 85% to less than 90% 9
    3 80% to less than 85% 8
    4 75% to less than 80% 7
    5 70% to less than 75% 6
    6 65% to less than 70% 5
    7 60% to less than 65% 4
    8 less than 60% 0