
Notice regarding Survey Questionnaire for Faculty Members

Notice regarding Survey Questionnaire for Faculty Members

In order to enhance and ensure quality in higher education, IIUC is required to be more responsive to the changing needs of the stakeholders. In that case it is very vital for IIUC authority to know how well we are doing and how can we do even better to meet the needs of the stakeholders. The self-assessment exercise is an effective approach to attain a clear understanding of current situation by an informative SWOT analysis.
It is for information of all concerned that a Survey Questionnaire for faculty members will be conducted from January 02 to January 10, 2018 through online. Your sincere evaluation will be helpful for correct assessment so that next improvement plan may be undertaken. The Survey may be completed through Computer or Laptop by IIue website As stakeholders of IIUC, all faculty members are requested to participate in this significant survey by filling up the survey questionnaire properly with due attention and sincerity.

Anticipating your kind cooperation in this regard.

(Prof. Dr. Md. Delawer Hossain)
Pro Vice-Chancellor (In-Charge) &
Director IQAC
International Islamic University Chittagong

The following steps are needed to be followed to submit the IQAC survey questionnaire:
I. Please browse llUC website using a browser (Chrome or Mozilla or others)
2. Go to Menu "IQAC" and then click on "Survey Questionnaire For Academics" under feedback
3. Then you would get a page/online-form which is needed to fill up and submit
4. Select Semester Name & Department Name, Input Text at Employee 10 (as Pay slip 10), Employee Name, Mobile Number and email.
5. Then answer the question as per instruction for each segment using select radio button from 5 to I.
6. At the bottom, you would get two text fields. Just type your opinion/answer as per instruction in these fields.
7. Finally, input captcha challenge which shown as image beside it.
8. Then click on submit button.

Copy for information:
Deans of the Faculties
Chairmen ofthe Departments: With request to circulate the notice to all faculty members and ensure
filling up the questionnaire within the abovementioned duration.
Associate Director IQAC
PS to the Hon'ble Vice Chancellor
PS to the Hon 'ble Chairman BoT

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