Mahmoda Khaton Siddika

Mahmoda Khaton Siddika

Mahmoda Khaton Siddika
Mahmoda Khaton Siddika
BA (HONS),MA in English, CU, MPhil in BUP
Coordinator, FAZ
Associate Professor in English language and literature
Center for General Education
Mobile: 01819322013,


Mahmoda Khaton Siddika completed B.A. (HONS) and M A in English from University of Chittagong. She was awarded with MPhil degree from Bangladesh University of Professionals on English Literature. Her MPhil topic is Theme of conflict and reconciliation in E.M. Forster's A Passage to India and N.C. Chaudhuri's A Passage to England A comparative analysis. Now she is serving as an Assistant Professor of English at International Islamic University Chittagong and is a PhD Fellow of Bangladesh University of Professionals. She has published a good number of research articles in different local and international refereed and indexed journals and has presented academic papers in several international conferences in Bangladesh and Malaysia. Her research interest is on English language and literature.

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English language and literature